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Oleh karena itu pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami dari teropongpengetahuan ingin kembali berbagi artikel tentang 30 contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan kunci jawaban nya.
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30 Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris
A. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris

- Nurika became the first woman to graduate from, and ______ at the Sumatra Institute of Technology
a. teach
b. a teacher
c. who taught
d. to teach - What will she be doing in the near future?
a. she has rules about how to play.
b. her goal is to pay for school.
c. she is praying not to have a low score.
d. she’ll be acting in a school project. - Metal tools typically endure about fifteen times ______ wooden ones.
a. longer
b. as long
c. long
d. longer than - Scientists believe that ______ different types of plants exist worldwide.
a. more than a million
b. it is a million or more
c. there are over a million
d. are over a million of - Mark Twain, ______was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is one of the most famous American authors.
a. his real name
b. who had as his real name
c. with his real name
d. whose real name
B. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris

- ____ modernist architects was Frank Lloyd Wright.
a. the most famous one of
b. one of the most famous
c. of the one most famous
d. the one most famous of - Most mammals care for their offspring for extended periods, but young hares are ___ exception.
a. not
b. no
c. none
d. never - Oslo, Norway, experiences mild winters for a city located ___ far north.
a. as
b. so
c. very
d. by - ___ in 1849, Manuel A. Alonso recorded the customs, language, and songs of the people of Puerto Rico in his poetry and prose.
a. beginning
b. he began
c. having begun
d. the beginning was - ___ the horizon appears curved when viewed from a high altitude.
a. the curve of the Earth makes
b. the Earth, in that it curves, makes
c. because the curve of the Earth,
d. because of the curve of the Earth,
C. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris

- The outer shell of an egg is composed ___ of calcium carbonate, which gives it strength.
a. to form
b. the form
c. in the form
d. so that it forms - Although ___ extremely cold waters, penguins are also capable of surviving in temperate climates.
a. adapted well
b. well-adapted
c. animals, well adapted to
d. they are well adapted to - 12. Not only__ an important source of food, but it also plays a crucial role in ecosystems.
a. the oak tree is of value
b. the value of the oak tree is
c. is the oak tree valuable
d. the valuable oak tree is used - . ___ .all of Charles Dickens’ novels reflect the social issues of his time.
a. except
b. all but
c. without
d. not any - One of the most significant changes brought about by the digital age ____.
a. was the rise of social media
b. the rise of social media
c. in the rise of social media
d. the rise of social media was
D. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris
- ____ the surface of a spinning top is tilted or bumped, the top continues to spin steadily in the same orientation.
a. However
b. somehow
c. otherwise
d. no matter - The tradition of music ___ believed to have existed for thousands of years.
a. that is
b. is
c. it is
d. being - ___ some of the stars in the night sky are visible without a telescope.
a. only
b. there are only
c. that only
d. with only - ____ when glass solidifies without forming a crystalline structure.
a. because obsidian is formed
b. to form obsidian
c. obsidian is formed
d. forming obsidian - William Shakespeare created ____ during his lifetime.
a. that over thirty-eight plays
b. over thirty-eight plays
c. over thirty-eight plays were
d. there were over thirty-eight plays
E. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris
- In the Grand Canyon, ____ more than a mile deep.
a. rock formations
b. where rock formations are
c. having rock formations
d. there are rock formations - __ nearly impossible to explain the complexity of quantum physics to beginners.
a. being
b. hIs
c. there is
d. is - Usually, political cartoons ______ in the morning edition of a newspaper.
a. appear
b. whose appearance
c. by appearing
d. when they appear - __ two major historical archives, the Library of Congress and the National Archives.
a. harvard University has
b. at Harvard University
c. harvard University, with its
d. there at Harvard University - American playwright Arthur Miller ______ for his dramatic works on social issues.
a. who became famous
b. famous as he became
c. becoming famous
d. became famous
F. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris

- __ containers are linked to welding equipment, one filled with oxygen and the other with acetylene.
a. it is two
b. of the two
c. there are two
d. two - Compressed air ______ the energy required to power pneumatic tools.
a. by providing
b. provides
c. that provides
d. the provision of - __ by cosmic radiation.
a. the earth is constantly bombarded
b. bombarded constantly, the earth
c. bombarding the earth constantly
d. the earth’s constant bombardment - __ prefers rhythm over melody, as reflected in his compositions.
a. that Philip Glass
b. philip Glass, who
c. philip Glass
d. because Philip Glass - ___ basic colors are white, pink, blue, purple, and red.
a. there are four
b. the four
c. four of them
d. that the four
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