Teropongpengetahuan.com – Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris | Latihan 25 Soal CPNS. Halo semua apa kabarnya nih ? semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu ya. Siapa nih disini yang sudah tidak sabar lagi menunggu pembukaan tes cpns ? tentunya sudah tidak sabar lagi kan hehehhe.
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Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris
A. Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris | Latihan 25 Soal Tes CPNS
- What is the capital of France?
a) London
b) Madrid
c) Paris
d) Rome - Which of the following is a mammal?
a) Eagle
b) Crocodile
c) Shark
d) Dolphin - What is the past tense of “go”?
a) Gone
b) Goes
c) Going
d) Went - Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn - Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Mark Twain
c) Jane Austen
d) Charles Dickens - What is the largest mammal on Earth?
a) African Elephant
b) Blue Whale
c) Giraffe
d) Hippopotamus - What is the chemical symbol for gold?
a) Go
b) Gd
c) Au
d) Ag - Which gas do plants use for photosynthesis?
a) Nitrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Hydrogen - Who painted the Mona Lisa?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Leonardo da Vinci
c) Pablo Picasso
d) Michelangelo - What is the longest river in the world?
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Mississippi
d) Yangtze
B. Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris | Latihan 25 Soal Tes CPNS
- What is the opposite of “happy”?
a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Excited
d) Joyful - Which language is widely spoken in Japan?
a) Korean
b) Mandarin
c) Japanese
d) Thai - What does “ephemeral” mean?
a) Lasting a very short time
b) Permanent
c) Eternal
d) Continuous - Who wrote the novel “1984”?
a) George Orwell
b) J.D. Salinger
c) F. Scott Fitzgerald
d) Harper Lee - Which of the following is a primary color?
a) Purple
b) Green
c) Orange
d) Blue - What is the capital of Australia?
a) Sydney
b) Melbourne
c) Canberra
d) Brisbane - Who is known for his theory of relativity?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla - What is the symbol for the element oxygen in the periodic table?
a) O
b) Ox
c) On
d) Oz - What is the smallest prime number?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 - Which continent is known as the “Dark Continent”?
a) Europe
b) Asia
c) Africa
d) Australia
Baca Juga : Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk BUMN
C. Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris | Latihan 25 Soal Tes CPNS
- What is the verb form of the noun “intelligence”?
a) Intelligently
b) Intelligible
c) Intelligent
d) Intellect - Who wrote the famous play “Hamlet”?
a) Oscar Wilde
b) William Wordsworth
c) William Shakespeare
d) George Bernard Shaw - What is the chemical formula for water?
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) O2
d) CH4 - Which of the following is NOT a primary color?
a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Purple
d) Blue - What is the currency of Japan?
a) Yen
b) Yuan
c) Won
d) Ringgit - What is the chemical symbol for silver?
a) Si
b) Ag
c) Au
d) S - What is the largest internal organ in the human body?
a) Liver
b) Heart
c) Kidney
d) Lungs
Baca Juga : Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk CPNS
Kunci Jawaban Tes Soal Bahasa Inggris
Tentu! Berikut adalah 27 kunci jawaban soal pilihan ganda dalam bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya:
- Jawaban: c) Paris
- Jawaban: d) Dolphin
- Jawaban: d) Went
- Jawaban: b) Mars
- Jawaban: a) William Shakespeare
- Jawaban: b) Blue Whale
- Jawaban: c) Au
- Jawaban: c) Carbon Dioxide
- Jawaban: b) Leonardo da Vinci
- Jawaban: a) Nile
- Jawaban: a) Sad
- Jawaban: c) Japanese
- Jawaban: a) Lasting a very short time
- Jawaban: a) George Orwell
- Jawaban: d) Blue
- Jawaban: c) Canberra
- Jawaban: b) Albert Einstein
- Jawaban: a) O
- Jawaban: b) 2
- Jawaban: c) Africa
- Jawaban: c) Intelligent
- Jawaban: c) William Shakespeare
- Jawaban: a) H2O
- Jawaban: c) Purple
- Jawaban: a) Yen
- Jawaban: b) Ag
- Jawaban: a) Liver
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Kursus Private Bahasa Inggris
Saat ini kursus private sedang membuka pendaftaran kelas bahasa Inggris harga spesial hari Kemerdekaan RI 🎉 hanya dengan 299k kamu sudah mendapatkan materi fasilitas kelas bahasa Inggris. Ada yang ingin bergabung di kelasnya? 😉