Teropongpengetahuan.com – Yuk Kita Intip 12 Contoh Soal Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Dengan Materi Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris. Halo semua apa kabarnya nih ? semoga kalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat ya. Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami dari teropongpengetahuan ingin berbagi artikel tentang soal latihan bahasa Inggris untuk persiapan mendaftar lowongan kerja Indonesia.
Tentunya kalian udah pada penasaran kan ? yuk mari kita simak bersama-sama untuk soal latihan nya berikut ini ya, semoga nantinya dapat bermanfaat untuk kita semua.
Daftar Isi
Soal Latihan Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Materi English
A. Soal Latihan Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

- Right now, Nia … at her desk.
a). study
b). studied
c). has studied
d). is studying
e). was studying - Luna … the email to her best friend last night.
a). send
b). sent
c). has sent
d). was sending
e). will send - Nita… an email to her parents tomorrow.
a). write
b). writes
c. will write
d). are going to write
e). will be writing - Do you … to the library to study sometimes ?
a). study
b). studies
c). are studying
d). studied
e). have studied - The students … the test for 45 minutes.
a). do
b). did
c). have done
d). had done
e). are doing
Baca Juga Artikel : 20 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda
B. Soal Latihan Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

- I’m so impressed, your masterpiece is … than mine.
a). good
b). better
c). best
d). more good - My new homework is .. than the old one.
a). easy
b). casier
c). easiest
d). more easy - I don’t like math, I think it’s the … subject for every student.
a). hard
b). harder
c). hardest
d). more hard - Wow, your current boy friend is … than Rury.
a). wise
b). wiser
c). wisest
d). more wise - For the engagement, she wants the … ring on the world.
a). expensive
b). expensiver
c). most expensive
d). more expensive
Baca Juga Artikel : 25 Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pemula
C. Soal Latihan Lowongan Kerja Indonesia
- Monaco is … country in the world.
a). as small as
b). smaller than
c). the smallest - This cafe is … than the one over there.
a). as impressive as
b). more impression
c). the most impressive
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